A lebre normalmente prefere agir amigável e moe na frente de outras pessoas e é obcecada em trabalhar os campos colhendo cenouras e ganhar "dinheiro pequeno", mas quando provocado a lutar frequentemente exerce um cutelo e um tijolo em cada mão enquanto emitia uma aura negra infernal e depois aprende a "plantar cogumelos" e construir "armários de água". Quando extremamente enfurecido, a lebre veste um traje de dinossauro verde e se torna um monstro semelhante a Godzilla que respira fogo.
Republic of China in all its forms (minus Communist)BaldheadBased on the (absence of) hair of Chiang Kai-shek. In Standard Chinese the words "baldhead" (秃子 tūzi) and "Hare" (兔子 tùzi) are near-homophones, which also represent the complexity of Cross-Strait relations.Hong Kong DemocratsCockroachBased on the slur used by Hong Kong police against Anti-ELAB Protestors. Some big wig cockroaches such as HSBC executives have a yellow sticker on a front leg.Qing Dynasty and ManchukuoPigtailBased on the queues which is the Manchu hairstyle of the Qing dynasty. (辫子 biànzi).United StatesBald eagleBald eagle is the national bird of the United States of America. Soviet UnionRussian BearBear is a common national personification for Russia and the USSR starting from the Russian Empire. The Soviet bear has a symbol — the hammer and sickle of Communism — on his stomach, which later becomes more like a character, "父", meaning "father" in Chinese.RussiaRussian Bear with a single separated hairTo differentiate from Soviet Union, this bear has a character "大" ("big" in Chinese, or "eldest" when describing age order of siblings) on his stomach, meaning that he is the "eldest son" of the USSR. The hair refers to "毛子" ("hairy ones", referring to the comparatively higher body hair count in Caucasians), a common northern Chinese nickname for Russians (and all East Slavs by extension).UkraineRussian Bear with two separate hairsTo differentiate from Russia, this bear has a number "2" on his stomach, meaning that he is the "second son" of the USSR.BelarusRussian Bear with three separate hairsTo differentiate from Russia, this bear has a number "3" on his stomach, meaning that he is the "third son" of the USSR.JapanCrane / ChickenThe crane is an important part of the Japanese culture, and the fact that the green pheasant is Japan's official national bird. Chicken is derived from Crane based on the Chinese ethnic slur Xiao RibenSouth KoreaStick with helmetBangzi is an ethnic slur by Chinese people towards Korean. To differentiate with North Korea, a US-style combat helmet is added to the appearance of South Korea.North KoreaStick with ski capBangzi is an ethnic slur by Chinese people towards Korean. To differentiate with South Korea, a Communist-style red star cap is added to the appearance of North Korea.Various Southeast Asian countries:Vietnam, Indonesia, PhilippinesMonkeyIn Chinese, monkey is a racist term used to describe Southeast Asians. PakistanMarkhorMarkhor is commonly seen in Pakistan and the national animal. In the animation the Markhor is called Ba Ba Yang ("Pak Goat") and sometimes nicknamed "Little Ba" by the Hare. IndiaWhite elephantWhite elephant is commonly seen in India as an important part of Hindu mythology. In the animation the author chooses it rather than the bull which is sacred in Hindu to represent India because bull has already been used to represent the UK.United KingdomBull"John Bull" is a national personification of England and the United Kingdom in general.FranceGallic roosterGallic rooster is an unofficial national symbol of France.CubaCrocodileBased on the shape of the countryGermanyTiger / CatThe Tiger I/II heavy tanks and the Jagdtiger series tank destroyers are the most famous German armoured fighting vehicles from the Second World War, so in the comic Germany was at first a tiger called "Hans". But since both East and West Germany had been restricted in military strength after World War II, the "big cat" have been "tamed" and "downsized" to "small cats".Various African countries in:Libyan Arab Jamahiriya,Tanzania,Sudan,South Sudan,EritreaHippopotamusHippo is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in Sub-Saharan Africa generally stereotyped as being simple-witted and clumsy. Both in the comic and the animation, nearly all African countries mentioned are represented by hippopotamus, except for the Ugandan junta regime under Idi Amin. Also, "Colonel Ka the Hippo" sometimes symbolizes Muammar Gaddafi himself other than the country. Sudan and South Sudan only appear in the end of Episode 3, Season 2 of the animation.UgandaDuck"Uncle Crazy Duck" is, in fact, the nickname of Idi Amin Dada among Chinese netizens. The appearance of "Uncle Crazy Duck" in the comic is based upon Count Duckula who wears a Teletubby-like hippo fursuit and has loose screws on his head, meaning that his brain is "different" from other Africans. In the animation, Uncle Crazy Duck shouts "Banana!" during speeches like the Minions.Various Arab world countries:Afghanistan,Saudi Arabia,Iraq,Pahlavi IranCamelCamel is commonly seen and used as transportation in the arid, desert Middle East and Central Asia. Both in the comic and the animation, nearly all mentioned Arabic countries are represented by camels, but they have different appearance — Afghan camel wears a scarf and is bearded; Saudi (and other Gulf nations by extension) camel wears a scarf and many diamonds; Iraqi camel under the Saddam Hussein regime wears a military beret; and Iranian camel during the Pahlavi dynasty has a crown on his head.Post-revolution IranPersian lionLion is the symbol of ancient Iran and the Persian Empire. The religious reform of Ruhollah Khomeini made the shia-majority Iran quite different from its sunni Arabic neighbours, and so the author chooses the symbol of ancient Persia to represent it.Um videogame de role-playing de estratégia gratuito baseado no Webcomic foi lançado no iOS e no Android em 15 de julho de 2015. O jogador controla uma das três facções: Hare, Bald Eagle e Bear.
A história em quadrinhos expressa a história moderna da China e suas relações internacionais de uma maneira divertida. Isso provocou patriotismo nas gerações mais jovens da China.
Hare (chinês: 我 兔; lit. 'nosso coelho') agora é usado como gíria na Internet referente à China.
A Visão Histórica, fornecida nas duas primeiras temporadas do Ano Hare Affair, sofreu fortes críticas em uma visão geral no site russo do sul da China Insight, especialmente as relações sino-soviéticas. Embora se admitisse que as relações com a Rússia "ocupam um lugar líder" na refletir da história chinesa, mas com um "total desrespeito por fatos históricos", como o envolvimento soviético na fundação do Partido Comunista Chinês e a libertação do Exército Vermelho da Manchúria do japonês forças. Também foi observado que a guerra sino-vietnamita foi completamente deixada para trás.
Oiwan Lam, da Global Voices Online, encontra racismo ao retratar o africano como um hipopótamo, que ela considera "um animal preguiçoso e estúpido". Nesse sentido, "a ajuda da China para a África também foi simplificada como último recurso porque" o primeiro mundo se recusou a brincar conosco ".
A segunda e a terceira temporada receberam 8,6 e 8,4 pontos em 10 no Douban.