Associação de Treinadores Judaicos


A Associação de Treinadores Judaicos (JCA) é uma organização sem fins lucrativos fundada em 2005 que apóia treinadores de basquete judaico-americano, ensino médio e basquete juvenil nos Estados Unidos. A Associação é um grupo de defesa dos treinadores para representar treinadores da NCAA e da Associação Nacional de Treinadores de Basquete. Os membros fundadores incluem Bobby Schwartz, diretor nacional fundador; e Bruce Pearl, que serviu como o primeiro presidente da Associação.

Eventos e prêmios anuais

A JCA realiza um café da manhã anual para treinadores judeus na Final Four e às vezes oferece serviços de Shabat para treinadores e suas famílias durante o final de semana final de eventos. Quando a Páscoa ocorre durante as quatro finais, o JCA pode ajudar a organizar os seders para treinadores e suas famílias. O Red Auerbach Award reconhece o mais destacado treinador de basquete judeu-americano do ano. A Associação recebe indicações de seus membros e, em março, na conclusão do torneio da conferência, o Conselho de Administração vota para determinar um vencedor. O vencedor recebe o Troféu Auerbach vermelho na Final Four.


A JCA fornece vários programas durante o ano para melhorar melhor e promover seus membros. Esses programas incluem:

Basketball Clinics and Workshops – Clinics and workshops are provided for the members to help them in their development as basketball coaches as part of its Partnership in coaching.Basketball Camps – The JCA looks to secure employment at college basketball camps around the country for its members.Networking – The JCA promotes its members careers and help them make contacts toward coaching opportunitiesCommunity Service – JCA member coaches work within their institutions to get their teams involved in their local communities and do charitable events and fundraisers. The organization recruits members to travel around the USA to speak and teach at Jewish camps around the nation.Maccabi Basketball Coaches – The JCA works with Maccabi USA and local Maccabi delegations to get JCA members involved and hired as Maccabi USA coaches and Maccabi delegation coaches. In 2009 both the JCA president and Vice-President served as coaches on the USA National Maccabi Basketball team representing our nation overseas in the World Maccabi games in Israel. Member coaches also help locate Jewish basketball players around the nation to try out for Maccabi USA teams.Breaking down barriers – The AJCA works to create fair hiring practices in basketball by working towards tolerance and understanding and cooperation with schools where coaches were denied interviews or not hired simply due to their faith and cultural background.Community of faith gatherings – The JCA organizes coaches from different backgrounds and religions for a unity breakfast and non-denominational prayer. The association works to inspire Jewish values in its member coaches to always work and coach with integrity and to serve as role models to their players and in their communities.Membership – The Jewish Coaches Association has a National Director and an Assistant National Director, which run the day-to-day operations. There is also a Board of Directors, which advises the National Director. The members elect a President and a Vice-President. There is an annual meeting held each year at the NABC Convention at the Final Four.