Dia de RPG gratuito



Shannon Appelcline discutiu os quadrinhos da Kenzer & Company "Crisis in Raimiton (2004), um" Guia de Adventure para D&D "que os Wizards doaram no Livro de Comices GRATUITO DAY '04. Ele contou a história de jogadores tocando D&D, e depois a história dos personagens Eles criaram o interesse dos Wizards pela oferta gratuita prenunciou o interesse da indústria em um dia de oferta gratuita: o dia de RPG gratuito ". A Appelcline observou que o "Programa de publicidade mais bem-sucedido de publicidade e marketing de impressões é aquele que continua hoje: dia de RPG gratuito. A partir de 2007, as impressões têm todos os anos coordenou a entrega dos produtos RPG originais em lojas de jogos em todo o país, resultando em considerável buzz E o interesse nesses produtos - que é exatamente o que as impressões, uma empresa de publicidade e marketing, estava procurando.

Inspirado no Free Comic Book Day, o Free RPG Day foi iniciado em 2007. O evento de RPG gratuito foi coordenado em todo o mundo pela Impressions, um distribuidor de jogos, de 2007 a 2013.

Appelcline observou que "a última posição dos jogos de Goodman contra o mercado D20 moribundo era o RPG Free, dia de 2007. Onde a maioria das empresas estava oferecendo um único produto de qualidade variável, Goodman contribuiu com três livros diferentes para o dia de RPG gratuito, cada um deles um top- produção de qualidade. " A PAIZO Publishing visualizou a nova série Gamemastery Modules With D0: Hollow's Last Hope (2007), que apareceu em 23 de junho de 2007, no primeiro dia de RPG gratuito. O Flying Buffalo montou edições de partida rápida (2007, 2008, 2011) de túneis e trolls para três dos dias gratuitos de RPG. A Margaret Weis Productions lançou o sistema CastleMourn Cortex QuickStart (2008) para o segundo dia de RPG gratuito antes de fechar a linha. Green Ronin O primeiro novo RPG foi uma canção de roleplaying de gelo e fogo (2009) foi visualizada no ano anterior no Free RPG Day 2008. De 2007 a 2011, os Jogos de Troll Lord emitiram um Castles & Crusades "Quick Start" em cada dia de RPG gratuito , trazer novos jogadores; Game Science Fiction Starsiege: Event Horizon (2008) também foi visualizado no Free RPG Day 2008. O Pinnacle Entertainment Group ofereceu The Wild Hunt (2011) como um "Savage Worlds Test Drive" para o Dia de RPG gratuito de 2011.

Shannon Appelcline descreveu que a Columbia Games "produziu aventuras para dois dos dias gratuitos de RPG: Field of Daisies (2008) e Dead Weight (2010). No entanto, o último produto foi mais um teaser do que qualquer coisa. As lojas receberam apenas uma cópia da aventura Quando eles compraram uma caixa de produtos de RPG gratuitos; Columbia começou a vender o restante da corrida impressa - e até advertiu sites que revisaram o peso morto como um lançamento "gratuito". Mais recentemente, eles produziram um mapa de Hârn (2012) para Dia de RPG gratuito 2012. "

Eventos relacionados

O primeiro evento da Alemanha foi em 2 de fevereiro de 2013; Incluiu 9 jogos. A versão alemã do dia de RPG gratuita é chamada gratisrollenspieltag, também conhecida como gratis rollenspieltag.


Os participantes do setor incluem os editores dos jogos participantes, o organizador do evento que coordena a entrega do produto gratuito às lojas e os proprietários de lojas de tijolo e argamassa que concordam em fornecer os jogos gratuitos aos usuários/jogadores finais. Alguns editores produzem aventuras rápidas de início, voltadas para jogadores que não estão familiarizados com o sistema de jogos ou novos nos jogos de role-playing em geral em geral. Os jogos são distribuídos em todo o mundo através das lojas participantes.

O primeiro dia anual de RPG gratuito (23 de junho de 2007)

O primeiro evento anual em 2007 apresentou aventuras de início rápido de 16 editores diferentes:

Call of Cthulhu (6th Edition) Quick StartCastles & Crusades (SIEGE Engine system) Quick Start RulesCastles & Crusades gazetteer "Imperial Town of Tell Qa" // Wilderlands of High Fantasy settingChangeling: The Lost Free Rules and Adventure "Dwelling in Darkness"The Chronicles of Ramlar adventure "Black Arrow Run"D20 System 3.5 Edition (Game Mastery series) adventure D0: Hollow's Last Hope // 1st level, Golarion setting - The prequel to the "D" (Dungeon) series modules.Vajra Enterprises In Dark Alleys adventure "Little Boy Lost"D20 System 3.5 Edition Bits of Magicka: Pocket Items - A list of twenty targets for pickpockets, plus the mundane or magical items they might be carrying.Goodman Games Dungeon Crawl Classics / Dungeons & Dragons (3.5 Edition) adventure DCC #51.5: The Sinister Secret of Whiterock.Goodman Games Dungeons & Dragons (3.5 Edition) adventure "Wicked Fantasy Factory #0: Temple of Blood" // 1st level Wicked Fantasy Factory setting - A prequel to Wicked Fantasy Factory #1: Rumble in the Wizard’s Tower. The Wicked Fantasy Factory setting adds cinematic play rules to Dungeons & Dragons.Mongoose RuneQuest (MRQ) adventure "Fisticuffs at O'Leary's Place" - A short adventure for use with Mongoose Publishing's licensed version of RuneQuest.Mutants & Masterminds Beginner's GuideSeptimus Quickstart (D6 System (2nd Edition)) - A teaser for a Science Fiction roleplaying game that was supposed to premiere in 2008. It was later cancelled by West End Games.Tunnels & Trolls solitaire adventure "Goblin Lake"Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay adventure "The Pig, the Witch and Her Lover"Xcrawl "Xcrawl - Dungeonbattle Brooklyn" - An adventure set in the Xcrawl universe, in which adventurers are modern-day athletes (X-crawlers) competing in dungeon obstacle courses to win loot on a televised gameshow.

O 2º dia anual de RPG gratuito (21 de junho de 2008)

Este evento ocorreu em 21 de junho de 2008. O segundo evento anual apresentou:

Castlemourn QuickstartCastles & Crusades (SIEGE Engine system) Quick Start Rules 2008 and adventure "Dwarven Glory" // Castle Zagyg settingCthulhu Live (3rd Edition) adventure "Murder at Miskatonic"D20 System 3.5 Edition (Game Mastery series) adventure D1.5: Revenge of the Kobold King // 5th level, Golarion setting - Sequel to D1: Crown of the Kobold King (2007).Dungeon Crawl Classics / Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) gazetteer "Punjar: The Tarnished Jewel" - details the decadent city of Punjar.Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) adventure "Treasure of Talon Pass".HârnMaster adventure "Field of Daisies".Heirs to Olympia Quickstart RulesHollow Earth Expedition Free RPG Day Quickstart Rules & Adventure 2008 "Stranded in the Hollow Earth."Hunter: The Vigil Free Rules and AdventureIron Heroes RPG (2nd Edition) adventure "Bloodwood"A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying Quickstart RulesStarSIEGE: Event Horizon (SIEGE Engine system) Introductory Manual - Science-fiction and Cyberpunk roleplaying game.Trail of Cthulhu (GUMSHOE system) adventure "The Murderer of Thomas Fell"Traveller (Mongoose 1st Edition) Book 0: An Introduction to Traveller (Free RPG Day Quickstart Rules edition) - Mongoose Publishing's licensed update of GDW's Traveller. Uses Classic Traveller's 2D6 dice system.Tunnels & Trolls 5.5 Edition GM adventure "Take the Money"

O terceiro dia anual de RPG gratuito (20 de junho de 2009)

Os jogos incluídos no terceiro evento gratuito de RPG Day foram:

Pathfinder RPG "Bonus Bestiary"Paranoia RPG "A Citizen's Guide to Surviving Alpha Complex"Dragon Warriors Introductory BookRogue Trader RPG (Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying game) Quick Start Rules and adventure "Forsaken Bounty"Geist: The Sin-Eaters Free Quickstart Rules and adventure "The Return of Mr. Monster"Corporation RPG adventure "Grab the Cache"Hollow Earth Expedition Free RPG Day Quickstart Rules & Adventure 2009 "Kidnapped in the Hollow Earth."Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) adventures "Immortal Heroes" / "Hearts of Chaos"Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) "Khyber's Harvest"Sword and Sorcery Studios Free RPG Day 2009: PDF AdjunctGeneric map set "The Ice Temple" (PDF)Arcana Evolved / Dungeons & Dragons (3.5 Edition); Lands of the Diamond Throne setting: magical items supplement "Items Evolved: Rituals" (PDF)Arcana Evolved: bestiary supplement "Mythical Monstrosities" (PDF)Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition); Feudal Lords setting: 9th level adventure "Oracle of Orcas" (PDF)

O 4º dia anual de RPG gratuito (19 de junho de 2010)

Este evento ocorreu em 19 de junho de 2010.

Call of Cthulhu (6th Edition) adventure "Abomination of the Amazon"Castles & Crusades 2010 Quick Start RulesDeathwatch RPG (Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying game) adventure "Final Sanction" (Sequence 1) - Things are not right on the planet of Landsholm...Dungeons & Dragons "Bloodsand Arena"Exalted (2nd Edition) basic rules and adventure "Under the Rose"HârnMaster (3rd Edition) basic rules and adventure "Dead Weight"Heroes Forever Free RPG Day Package - Shrinkwrapped package containing two booklets: a superhero miniatures rulebook and a basic adventure booklet "The Shelter".Hollow Earth Expedition Free RPG Day Adventure 2010: "A Nightmare at the Museum." (Ubiquity RPG Quickstart Rules)Legend of the Five Rings RPG adventure "Legacy of Disaster"Pathfinder adventure "Master of the Fallen Fortress" (1st level: Absalom)Prime Directive (Star Trek roleplaying game) adventure "The Dread Pirate Aldo" (both D20 Modern (Prime Directive D20 Modern) and GURPS (4th Edition) (GURPS Prime Directive) rules)Roll d-Infinity magazine (Issue #0: The Shape of Things to Come) - Sample issue of a new multi-platform role-playing game magazine.

O 5º dia anual de RPG gratuito (18 de junho de 2011)

Dice TowerCommemorative Dice For Store OwnerUnique Elven-themed DiceAll Flesh Must Be Eaten (Unisystem) Quickstart & AdventureArcanis RPG Quickstart & AdventureAspect Quickstart AdventureBlack Crusade RPG (Warhammer 40,000 roleplaying game) Quickstart and AdventureCastles & Crusades Quickstart and AdventureSettlers of Catan: Catanimal Variant rules - single page paper insertDungeon Crawl Classics RPG QuickstartDungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) "Domain of Dread: Histhaven" - Supplement to the box set "The Shadowfell: Gloomwrought and Beyond"DragonAge QuickstartHollow Earth Expedition Free RPG Day Quickstart Rules & Adventure 2011 "Trapped in the Aircraft Graveyard."Pathfinder RPG adventure "We Be Goblins!"Prime Directive (Star Trek roleplaying game) adventure "Starship Aldo" (both d20 Modern & GURPS)Savage Worlds Quickstart & Adventure "The Wild Hunt"Stellar Horizons QuickstartTunnels & Trolls solitaire adventure "Rescue Mission" and GM adventure "Riverboat Adventure"World of Darkness QuickstartX-treme Dungeon Mastery (XD20 System) campaign setting "Laser Squid Nemesis" - A setting in which the characters are sentient sealife who live in a modern technological aquatic world "with undersea cars, phones, and... well, lasers!"

O 6º dia anual de RPG gratuito (16 de junho de 2012)

Os jogos incluídos no sexto evento de dia de RPG gratuito foram:

Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech: A Time of War (1st Edition) / Shadowrun (5th Edition) Quick-Start Rules Flipbook (Battletech: A Time of War on one side, Shadowrun on the other side)Brass & Steel: A Game of Steampunk Adventure LARP Quick-Start Rules and adventure "The Case of the Croquet Mallet"Conspiracy X Introductory Game Kit and adventure "Convoy"Cosmic Patrol Roleplaying Game Quick-Start Rules and adventure "The Kahn Protocol"Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure "Dawn of the Scarlet Sun"Dungeons & Dragons (4th Edition) adventure "Dead in the Eye"Dungeon Crawl Classics Free RPG Day 2012 adventures "The Jeweller That Dealt In Stardust" and "The Undulating Corruption"Hârnmaster Hârn Setting Material with World MapCastles & Crusades adventure "In Search of Adventure"Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure "Shadowsfall: The Temple of Orcus"Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure "Slavers of the Sunken Garden"Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure "Undying Legacy of the First Ones"

O 7º dia anual de RPG gratuito (15 de junho de 2013)

Este evento ocorreu em 15 de junho de 2013.

Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech: A Time of War (1st Edition) / Shadowrun (5th Edition) Quick-Start Rules Flipbook (Battletech: A Time of War on one side, Shadowrun on the other side)Lamentations of the Flame Princess (3rd Edition) adventure "Better than Any Man" (Rated Ages 18+)Cosmic Patrol Roleplaying Game Quick-Start Rules and adventure "The Eiger Agenda"Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls Preview PackDungeon Crawl Classics rules ("The Imperishable Sorceress") / Maximum X-Crawl ("Studio City Xcrawl")Swords & Wizardry adventure "Hall of Bones"Castles & Crusades adventure "A Pot of Broken Bones (& Halfling Broth)"Vampire: The Requiem adventure "Reap the Whirlwind"Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Edge of the Empire Basic Rules and adventure "Under a Black Sun"Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure "Temple of the Forbidden God"Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure "We Be Goblins Too!" - Sequel to the 2011 adventure "We be Goblins"

O 8º dia anual de RPG gratuito (21 de junho de 2014)

Este evento ocorreu em 21 de junho de 2014. Os jogos incluídos no 8º evento anual foram:

Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech: A Time of War (1st Edition) / Shadowrun (5th Edition) Quick-Start Rules Flipbook (Battletech: A Time of War adventure "Character Assassination" on one side, Shadowrun adventure "Spoiled Rotten" on the other side)Cosmic Patrol Roleplaying Game Quick-Start Rules and adventure "The Continuance Contingency"Lamentations of the Flame Princess adventure "The Doom Cave of the Crystal-Headed Children"Castles & Crusades adventure "A Druid's Lament"The Godsfall RPG DemoGoodman Games Free RPG Day 2014 Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure "Elzemon and the Blood-Drinking Box" and Maximum XCrawl adventure "Dungeon Detonation"Mage: The Ascension Introductory Quickstart Rules and Adventure Hooks13th Age adventure "Make Your Own Luck" - Prequel to Eyes of the Stone Thief campaignPathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure "Risen from the Sands"Time Travel Dinosaur: Mesozoic MayhemValiant Universe RPG Quick Start Rules: Experience the Harbinger Wars

O 9º dia anual de RPG gratuito (20 de junho de 2015)

Este evento ocorreu em 20 de junho de 2015. Os produtos incluídos no 9º evento anual foram:

Pelgrane Press flipbook 13th Age adventure "At Land's Edge" / Night's Black Agents adventure "The Harker Intrusion"Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech: A Time of War (1st Edition) / Shadowrun (5th Edition) Quick-Start Rules Flipbook (Battletech: A Time of War on one side, Shadowrun on the other side)Cosmic Patrol Roleplaying Game Quick-Start Rules and adventure "The Doomsday Protocols"Dungeon Crawl Classics Judge's ScreenHellas Free RPG Day QuickstartGoodman Games Fifth Edition Fantasy adventure "Into the Dragon's Maw"Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Player Character SoundSets (giftcard with codes for sound effect packs from Syrinscape)Atlantis: The Second Age Quick-Start Rules and adventure "Prelude to Adventure"Through the Breach Quick-Start Rules and adventure "Recruitment Drive"Castles & Crusades adventure "Shadows of a Green Sky"Valiant Universe RPG Quick Start Rules: Experience the Rumble in the BayPathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure "We Be Goblins Free!"Kobolds Ate My Baby! Quick-Start Rules and adventure "You Iz Kobolds?!"