Equipe de esqui de Dartmouth



O estudante de Dartmouth College, Fred Harris (1888-1961), fundou o Dartmouth Outing Club em 1909 e se tornou "o homem que colocou a América em esquis"

O Telegraph Nashua (NH) observa que, em 1914, um grupo de estudantes de Dartmouth viajou para o Canadá para competir contra a Universidade McGill na primeira corrida de esqui colegial. A corrida do Dartmouth Outing Club de 1927 no Monte Moosilauke é citada pela US Ski & Snowboard Association como a primeira corrida de esqui em declive no país.

Em 1935, a equipe de esqui era suficientemente distinta do clube de passeio para ter seu próprio capitão distinto; O primeiro capitão de esqui ″ foi Selden Hannah D35, embora houvesse "capitães de esportes de inverno" antes disso.

A equipe de esqui de Dartmouth venceu o Campeonato Nacional da NCAA em 1958, 1976 (empatado com o Colorado) e 2007. A equipe terminou em segundo lugar em 1955, 1956, 1964, 1969 e 1970.

Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno e Paralímpicos

Os esquiadores de Dartmouth representaram os EUA (e outras nações) nos Jogos Olímpicos e Paraolímpicos de Inverno.

LocationYearDartmouth AthletesCompetitors with Class Year and EventMedalsChamonix19241John B. Carleton D22 (Nordic Combined) St Moritz19281Charles N. Proctor D28 (Special Jump) Lake Placid1932No skiers, however Jack Shea D34 (Speed Skating)Garmish19364A. Lincoln Washburn D35 (Alpine Slalom), Warren H. Chivers D38 (Nordic Combined), Edgar H. Hunter Jr D38 (Alternate), Richard H. Durrance D39 (Alpine Combined) Cancelled19409Athletes named but did not compete due to World War II: Selden J. Hannah D35 (Nordic Combined), David J. Bradley D38 (Nordic Combined), Stephen J. Bradley D39 (Nordic Combined), Warren H. Chivers D38 (Nordic Combined), Richard H. Durrance D39 (Alpine Combined), John P. Litchfield D39 (Nordic Jumping), Edward P. Wells D39 (Alpine), Harold Q. Hillman D40 (Alpine) Cancelled1944Athletes not namedSt Moritz19481Colin C. Stewart IV D48 (Alpine Slalom)Oslo19524John H. Caldwell Jr D50 (Nordic Combined), Brooks Dodge Jr D51 (Alpine Giant Slalom), William L. Beck D53 (Alpine Downhill), Chiharu Igaya D57 (Alpine)Cortina19566Brooks Dodge Jr D51 (Alpine), Charles N. Tremblay D52 (Nordic Combined), William L. Beck D53 (Alpine Downhill), Thomas A. Corcoran D54 (Alpine), Chiharu Igaya D57 (Alpine), Ralph E. Miller Jr D55 (Alpine)Squaw Valley19603Thomas A. Corcoran D54 (Alpine), Chiharu Igaya D57 (Alpine), Richard W. Taylor D59 (XC)Innsbruck19642Richard W. Taylor D59 (XC), James W. Page D63 (Nordic Combined)Grenoble19682Edward G. Williams D64 (Biathlon), Edward F. Gillette D67 (XC)Sapporo19725Scott W. Berry D71 (Jumping), Walker T. Weed III D71 (Nordic Combined), David H. Currier D74 (Alpine), Thomas A. Reaper D74 (XC Jumping), Timothy J. Caldwell D76 (XC)Innsbruck19765David H. Currier D74 (Alpine), Donald M. Nielsen D74 (XC), Douglas J. Peterson D75 (XC), Timothy J. Caldwell D76 (XC)Lake Placid19804Donald M. Nielsen D74 (XC), Douglas J. Peterson D75 (XC), Timothy J. Caldwell D76 (XC), Walter A. Malmquist II D78 (XC)Sarajevo19847Donald M. Nielsen D74 (XC), Timothy J. Caldwell D76 (XC), William K. Carow D80 (Biathlon), Landis A. Arnold D82 (Jumping), Glen R. Eberle D85 (Biathlon), Dennis McGrane D84 (Jumping), Gale H. Shaw III D85 (Alpine)Calgary19887William K. Carow D80 (Biathlon), Dennis McGrane D84 (Jumping), Gale H. Shaw III D85 (Alpine), Leslie Thompson D86 (XC), William H. Hudson D88 (Alpine), Martha Hill D82 (Alpine), Diana Golden D84 (Alpine)Albertville19929Susan Forbes D83 (XC), Erich Wilbrecht D84 (Biathlon), Leslie Thompson D86 (XC), Elizabeth McIntyre D87 (Alpine Freestyle), William Gaylord D90 (Alpine), Ian Harvey D90 (Biathlon), Nina Kemppel D92 (XC), Michael Terrell D93 (Alpine), Christopher Puckett D94 (Alpine)Lillehammer19948Leslie Thompson D86 (XC), Elizabeth McIntyre D87 (Alpine Freestyle), William Gaylord D90 (Alpine), Ian Harvey D90 (Biathlon), Nina Kemppel D92 (XC), Suzanne King D86 (XC), Conner O'Brien TU87 (Alpine), Carl Swenson D92 (XC)Silver (McIntyre)Nagano19983Nina Kemppel D92 (XC), Suzanne King D86 (XC), Stacey Wolley D92 (Biathlon)Salt Lake City20025Nina Kemppel D92 (XC), Carl Swenson D92 (XC), Barb Jones D99 (XC), Scott McCartney D01 (Alpine), Bradley Wall D02 (Alpine)Turin20067Carl Swenson D92 (XC), Scott McCartney D01 (Alpine), Bradley Wall D02 (Alpine), Patrick Biggs D06 (Alpine), Libby Ludlow D06 (Alpine), Carolyn Treaty D06 (Biathlon), Sarah Konrad D89 (Biathlon)Vancouver20106Tucker Murphy D04 (XC), Sara Studebaker D07 (Biathlon), Ben Koons D09 (XC), Andrew Weidrecht D09 (Alpine), Laura Spector D10 (Biathlon), Tommy Ford D12 (Alpine)Gold (Kearney), Bronze (Weibrecht)Sochi201412Tucker Murphy D04 (XC), Sara Studebaker D07 (Biathlon), Andrew Weibrecht D09 (Alpine), David Chodounsky D08 (Alpine), Susan Dunklee D08 (Biathlon), Hannah Dreissigacker D09 (XC Biathlon), Ida Sargent D11 (XC), Sophie Caldwell D12 (XC), Nolan Kasper D14 (Alpine), Staci Mannella D11 (Alpine), Trace Cummings Smith D15 (Alpine), Hannah Kearney D15 (Alpine Freestyle)Silver (Weibrecht), Bronze (Kearney)Pyeongchang201815Tommy Ford D12 (Alpine), Tucker Murphy D04 (XC), Andrew Weibrecht D09 (Alpine), David Chodounsky D08 (Alpine), Susan Dunklee D08 (Biathlon), Hannah Dreissigacker D09 (Biathlon), Ida Sargent D11 (XC), Sophie Caldwell D12 (XC), Nolan Kasper D14 (Alpine), Staci Mannella D11 (Alpine), Annie Hart D14 (XC), Patrick Caldwell D17 (XC), Tricia Mangan D19 (Alpine), Alice Merryweather D21 (Alpine), Rosie Brennan D11 (XC)Beijing2022

Copa do Mundo

O mais alto nível de corrida de esqui competitivo ocorre nos circuitos alpinos e nórdicos da Copa do Mundo.

Estado de tempo de Moosilauke

Duas vezes por ano, as equipes de esqui alpinas e nórdicas completam um contra -relógio, começando no Moosilauke Ravine Lodge e terminando no cume do Monte Moosilauke.

O percurso segue a trilha Gorge Brook e sobe 2387 pés (a 4802 pés ASL) em 3,6 milhas. O registro do curso de 36:16 foi estabelecido em 2010 por Kris Freeman.

Alumni da equipe de esqui de Dartmouth notável por outras realizações além do esqui olímpico

Katie Bono D10. Holder of women’s record for fastest ascent of Denali in Alaska, with a time of 21:06, set in 2017.Bill Briggs D54. Pioneer of big mountain skiing, inducted into the U.S. National Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame in 2008. Howard Chivers D39. Inducted into the US Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame in 1973. 1942 National Nordic Combined Champion. Former captain of the Dartmouth Ski Team. Brother of Warren Chivers. Tom Corcoran D54. In addition to his Olympic performance and national championships, Corcoran founded Waterville Valley ski area in New Hampshire. According to his entry in the National Ski Hall of Fame, "Tom Corcoran was elected to the U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame on 1978 as both a Skisport Builder and Ski Athlete. He received the Blegen Award in 1991, the highest award of the U.S. Ski Association. In 1995, he was elected to the Rolex International Ski Racing Hall of Fame."Peter Dodge D78. Dartmouth men's alpine coach. 1989-2022 Dodge raced on the US Pro Tour in the 1980s and was twice awarded skier of the year honors. He is credited as instrumental in the increased relevance of collegiate skiing to the highest levels of the sport.Jack Durrance D36. Brother of ski team member Richard H. Durrance D39, attempted to climb K2 in 1939. He completed the first recorded traverse of the Grand, Middle and South Tetons in Wyoming (with Butterworth). He completed the first recorded ascent of the Grand Teton via the northwest ridge (with M. Davis). In 1936, he completed the first ascent of the north face of the Grand Teton (with Petzoldt and Petzoldt).Ned Gillette D67. In addition to attending the 1968 Winter Olympics, Gillette wrote a book on cross-country ski technique Cross-Country Skiing, first published in 1979. In 1981, Gillette climbed and descended by skiing the Pamir peak Mustag Ata (24,757 feet). Gillette was an adventurer, notably rowing 600 miles across the Drake Passage between South America and Antarctica. He was killed in Kashmir in 1998 while traveling with Susan Patterson, his spouse.Fred H. Harris D1911. Founded the Dartmouth Outing Club; inducted into the US National Ski Hall of Fame in 1957.John McCrillis D1919. Early advocate for alpine (vs nordic) ski racing. Inducted into the US National Ski Hall of Fame in 1966.Malcolm McLane D46. World War II fighter pilot, POW, Distinguished Flying Cross recipient. Rhodes Scholar, captain of the Dartmouth ski team, director of the US Olympic Committee. McLane was elected to the U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame in 1973.Walter Prager Coach; elected to the U.S. National Ski Hall of Fame in 1977.Gale Shaw III (Tiger) D85. CEO of US Ski & Snowboard Association.Jeff Shiffrin D76. Father of Mikaela Shiffrin.Sandy Treat D46. 10th Mountain Division soldier during World War II. Inducted into the Colorado Snow Sports Hall of Fame in 2010.

tópicos relacionados

Os ex -alunos do Dartmouth Outing Club não associados à equipe de esqui fizeram contribuições notáveis ​​ao alpinismo. Por exemplo, em 1963, Barry Bishop D53, Barry Corbet D58, Jake Breitenbach D57, Barry Prather D61 e Dave Dingman D58 se juntaram à primeira expedição dos EUA ao MT Everest.

Margaret Wheeler D97 foi presidente da American Mountain Guides Association.

Leitura adicional

Passion for Skiing: The Story of the Alumni, Staff and Family, How one Small College in New England, Dartmouth College, has been Dominating the Development of Modern Skiing for over 100 Years, Stephen L. Waterhouse, 2011 (ISBN 978-0975882016)Reaching That Peak: 75 Years of the Dartmouth Outing Club, David O. Hooke, 1987 (ISBN 0-914659-24-3)