Herói de ação


Esta é a mais recente revisão aceita, revisada em 15 de junho de 2022.

Heróis de ação notáveis

This list focuses on male action heroes. For the list of female action heroes, see List of female action heroes and villains.
Amitabh BachchanYuen BiaoCharles BronsonYul BrynnerNicolas CageJohn CenaJackie ChanSonny ChibaSean ConneryTom CruiseMark DacascosJean-Claude Van DammeVin DieselSanjay DuttClint EastwoodHarrison FordMel GibsonSammo HungTony JaaVidyut JammwalJayanDwayne JohnsonBrandon LeeBruce LeeJet LiDolph LundgrenAamir KhanFeroz KhanSalman KhanShah Rukh KhanAkshay KumarYusaku MatsudaSteve McQueenToshiro MifuneLiam NeesonChuck NorrisKeanu ReevesHrithik RoshanMickey RourkeArnold SchwarzeneggerSteven SeagalJackie ShroffTiger ShroffWill SmithWesley SnipesSylvester StalloneJason Stathamken Takakurajohn Travoltaiko Uwaisjohn Waynebruce Willisdonnie Yenchow Yun-Fatsalah Zulfikar

Veja também

Anandalok Best Action Hero AwardBruceploitationLists of superheroes

Leitura adicional

Osgerby, Bill, Anna Gough-Yates, and Marianne Wells. Action TV : Tough-Guys, Smooth Operators and Foxy Chicks. London: Routledge, 2001.Tasker, Yvonne. Action and Adventure Cinema. New York: Routledge, 2004.

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