Lista de podcasts ambientais


Listagem de podcasts ambientais

A seguir, é apresentada uma lista de podcasts ambientais que se concentram no ambientalismo, sustentabilidade, mudança climática e poluição.


Esta é uma lista dinâmica e pode nunca ser capaz de satisfazer padrões específicos de completude. Você pode ajudar adicionando itens ausentes com fontes confiáveis.
PodcastYearStarring, Narrator(s), or Host(s)Produced byRefTimber Wars2020–presentAaron ScottOregon Public Broadcasting Inherited2020Georgia Wright and Julianna BradleyCritical Frequency Grouse2020Ashley AhearnBirdNote and Boise State Public Radio Living Planet2021–presentSam BakerDeutsche Welle Threshold Podcast2017–presentAmy MartinAuricle Productions CleanLaw2018–presentHana Vizcarra, Hannah Perls, Ari Peskoe, Carrie Jenks, Lowry Yankwich, and Jody FreemanHLS Environmental & Energy Law Program Terrestrial2017Ashley AhearnKUOW Mongabay Newscast2016–presentMike GaworeckiMongabay The Energy Gang2013–presentEd CrooksWood Mackenzie The Big One2019–presentJacob Margolis and Misha EucephKPCC and Southern California Public Radio Hot and Dry2019–presentCally Carswell, Collin Haffey, and Page BuonoIndependent Edition Spéciale2018Fernand LotRadiodiffusion-Télévision Française Living on Earth2001–presentSteve CurwoodWorld Media Foundation Outrage and Optimism2019–presentChristiana FigueresGlobal Optimism Sustainable(ish)2018–presentJen GaleIndependent Target Zero Hunger2016–presentSandra FerrariFood and Agriculture Organization TILclimate2019–presentLaur Hesse FisherMIT Environmental Solutions Initiative A Rational Fear2020–presentDan IlicIndependent Sustainababble2015–presentOl and DaveIndependent Green Dreamer2018–presentKamea ChayneIndependent Sustainable Asia2019–presentMarcy Trent LongIndependent Podship Earth2018–presentJared BlumenfeldIndependent The Drawdown Agenda2018–2019Fergal ByrneIndependent Carbon Removal Newsroom2019–presentRamez NaamNori Direct Current2016–presentUnited States Department of Energy The Sustainability Agenda2016–presentFergal ByrneIndependent Infinite Earth Radio2016–2019Michael Hancox and Vernice Miller-TravisSkeo and the Local Government Commission Sustainability Defined2016–presentJay Siegel and Scott BreenIndependent Think: Sustainability2016–presentSophie Ellis2SER 107.3 Climate One2007–presentGreg DaltonCommonwealth Club of California Hot Take2019–presentAmy WesterveltCrooked Media Floodlines2020–2021Vann R. Newkirk IIThe Atlantic Boomtown2019–presentChristian WallaceImperative Entertainment and Texas Monthly Mothers of Invention2018–presentMary Robinson and Maeve HigginsDoc Society America Adapts the Climate Change Podcast2016–presentDoug ParsonsIndependent How to Save a Planet2019–presentMuna SuleimanFriends of the Earth Emergence Magazine Podcast2018–presentVariousKalliopeia Foundation For What It's Earth2019–presentEmma Brisdion and Lloyd HopkinsIndependent The Crisis2021–presentRamon Campos, Sayre Quevedo, and Agnes WaltonVice Broken Ground2019–presentClaudine Ebeid McElwainSouthern Environmental Law Center Life Raft2020–presentLauren Malara and Travis LuxWWNO and WRKF Costing The Earth2021–presentThais and LinaBBC Radio Climate Cast2021–presentPaul HuttnerMinnesota Public Radio A Climate Change Podcast2017–2019Rajesh, Dave, and Curt NewtonMIT ClimateX Mothering Earth2014–Salwa Khan, PhDvcYES Productions

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Popular scienceEnvironmental journalism