Processo industrial


Processos químicos por material básico principal

Certos processos químicos produzem materiais básicos importantes para a sociedade, por exemplo, (cimento, aço, alumínio e fertilizante). No entanto, essas reações químicas contribuem para as mudanças climáticas emitindo dióxido de carbono, um gás de efeito estufa, através de reações químicas, bem como através da combustão de combustíveis fósseis para gerar as altas temperaturas necessárias para atingir as energias de ativação das reações químicas.

Cimento (a pasta dentro do concreto)

Calcination – Limestone, which is largely composed of fossilized calcium carbonate (CaCO3), breaks down at high temperatures into useable calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide gas (CO2), which gets released as a by-product. This chemical reaction, called calcination, figures most prominently in creating cement (the paste within concrete). The reaction is also important in providing calcium oxide to act as a chemical flux (removal of impurities) within a blast furnace.CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g)


Smelting – Inside of a blast furnace, carbon monoxide (CO) is released by combusting coke (a high-carbon derivative of coal) and removes the undesired oxygen (O) within ores. CO2 is released as a by-product, carrying away the oxygen and leaving behind the desired pure metal. Most prominently, iron smelting is how steel (largely iron with small amounts of carbon) is created from mined iron ore and coal.Fe2O3(s) + 3 CO(g) → 2 Fe(s) + 3 CO2(g)


Hall–Héroult process – Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is smelted with coke (C) in a high-temperature electrolysis reaction, yielding the desired pure aluminum (Al) and a mixture of CO and CO2.Al2O3(s) + 3 C(s) → 2 Al(s) + 3 CO(g)2 Al2O3(s) + 3 C(s) → 4 Al(s) + 3 CO2(g)


Haber process – Atmospheric Nitrogen (N2) is separated, yielding ammonia (NH3), which is used to make all synthetic fertilizer. The Haber process uses a fossil carbon source, generally natural gas, to provide the CO for the water-gas shift reaction, yielding hydrogen (H2) and releasing CO2. The H2 is used to break the strong triple bond in N2, yielding industrial ammonia.CH4(g) + H2O(g) → CO(g) + 3 H2(g)CO(g) + H2O(g) → H2(g) + CO2(g)N2(g) + 3 H2(g) → 2 NH3(g)

Outros processos químicos

Artigo principal: Processo químico
Pyroprocessing – using heat to chemically combine materials, such as in cement.Disinfection – chemical treatment to kill bacteria and viruses.


Artigo principal: eletrólise

A disponibilidade de eletricidade e seu efeito nos materiais deram origem a vários processos para revestir ou separar metais.

Gilding, electroplating, anodization, electrowinning – depositing a material on an electrodeElectropolishing – the reverse of electroplatingElectrofocusing – similar to electroplating, but separating moleculesElectrolytic process – the generic process of using electrolysisElectrophoretic deposition – electrolytic deposition of colloidal particles in a liquid mediumElectrotyping – using electroplating to produce printing platesMetallizing, plating, spin coating – the generic terms for giving non-metals a metallic coating


ShearingSawingPlasma cuttingWater-jet cutting - cutting materials using a very high-pressure jet of waterOxyacetylene cuttingElectrical discharge machining (EDM)Machining – the mechanical cutting and shaping of metal which involves the loss of the materialLaser cutting

Trabalho de metal

Veja também: Fabricação (metal) e trabalho de metal
Smelting and direct Reduction – extracting metals from ores.Forging – the shaping of metal by use of heat and hammerCasting – shaping of a liquid material by pouring it into moulds and letting it solidifySteelmaking — turning "pig iron" from smelting into steelProgressive stamping – the production of components from a strip or rollStampingHydroforming – a tube of metal is expanded into a mould under pressureSandblasting – cleaning of a surface using sand or other particlesSoldering, brazing, welding – a process for joining metalsTumble polishing – for polishingPrecipitation hardening – heat treatment used to strengthen malleable materialsWork hardening – adding strength to metals, alloys, etc.Case hardening, differential hardening, shot peening – creating a wear-resistant surfaceDie cutting – A "forme" or "die" is pressed onto a flat material in order to cut, score, punch and otherwise shape the materialElectric arc furnace — very-high-temperature processing

Ferro e aço

Smelting – the generic process used in furnaces to produce steel, copper, etc.Catalan forge, open hearth furnace, bloomery, Siemens regenerative furnace – produced wrought ironBlast furnace – produced cast ironDirect Reduction – produced direct reduced ironCrucible steelCementation processBessemer processBasic oxygen steelmaking


A modelagem física dos materiais formando sua forma líquida usando um molde.

Casting, sand casting – the shaping of molten metal or plastics using a mouldSintering, powder metallurgy – the making of objects from metal or ceramic powderBlow molding as in plastic containers or in the glass container industry – making hollow objects by blowing them into a mould.Compression molding


Muitos materiais existem de forma impura, purificação ou separação fornece um produto utilizável.

Comminution – reduces the size of physical particles (it exists between crushing and grinding)Froth flotation, flotation process – separating minerals through flotationLiquid–liquid extraction – dissolving one substance in anotherFrasch process – for extracting molten sulfur from the ground


Destilação é a purificação de substâncias voláteis por evaporação e condensação

Fractional distillation, steam distillation, vacuum distillationBatch distillationContinuous distillationFractionating columnSpinning cone

Fabricação aditiva

Na fabricação aditiva, o material é progressivamente adicionado à peça até que a forma e o tamanho desejados sejam obtidos.

Fused deposition modeling (FDM)Stereolithography (SLA)Selective laser sintering (SLS)Photolithography

Petróleo e compostos orgânicos

A natureza de uma molécula orgânica significa que pode ser transformada no nível molecular para criar uma variedade de produtos.

Cracking (chemistry) – the generic term for breaking up the larger moleculesAlkylation – refining of crude oilBurton process – cracking of hydrocarbonsCumene process – making phenol and acetone from benzeneFriedel-Crafts reaction, Kolbe-Schmitt reactionOlefin metathesis, thermal depolymerizationTransesterification – organic chemicalsRaschig process for production of hydroxylamine – part of the process to produce nylonOxo process – Produces aldehydes from alkenesPolymerisation

Organizado por produto

Aluminium – ( Hall-Héroult process, Deville process, Bayer process, Wöhler process)Ammonia, used in fertilizer – (Haber process)Bromine – (Dow process)Chlorine, used in chemicals – (chloralkali process, Weldon process, Hooker process)Fat – (rendering)Fertilizer – (nitrophosphate process)Glass – (Pilkington process)Gold – (bacterial oxidation, Parkes process)Graphite – (Acheson process)Heavy water, used to refine radioactive products – (Girdler sulfide process)Hydrogen – (water–gas shift reaction, steam reforming)Lead (and Bismuth) – (Betts electrolytic process, Betterton-Kroll process)Nickel – (Mond process)Nitric acid – (Ostwald process)Paper – (pulping, Kraft process, Fourdrinier machine)Rubber – (vulcanization)Salt – (Alberger process, Grainer evaporation process)Semiconductor crystals – (Bridgman–Stockbarger method, Czochralski method)Silver – (Patio process, Parkes process)Silicon carbide – (Acheson process, Lely process)Sodium carbonate, used for soap – (Leblanc process, Solvay process, Leblanc-Deacon process)Sulfuric acid – (lead chamber process, contact process)Titanium – (Hunter process, Kroll process)Zirconium – (Hunter process, Kroll process, van Arkel–de Boer process)

Uma lista por processo:

Alberger process, Grainer evaporation process – produces salt from brineBacterial oxidation – used to produce goldBayer process – the extraction of aluminium from oreChloralkali process, Weldon process – for producing chlorine and sodium hydroxideDow process – produces bromine from brineGirdler sulfide process – for making heavy waterHunter process, Kroll process – produces titanium and zirconiumIndustrial rendering – the separation of fat from bone and proteinLead chamber process, contact process – production of sulfuric acidMond process – nickelNitrophosphate process – a number of similar process for producing fertilizerOstwald process – produces nitric acidPackagingPidgeon process – produces magnesium, reducing the oxide using siliconSteam reforming, water gas shift reaction – produce hydrogen and carbon monoxide from methane or hydrogen and carbon dioxide from water and carbon monoxideVacuum metalising – a finishing processVan Arkel–de Boer process – for producing titanium, zirconium, hafnium, vanadium, thorium or protactiniumFormox process – oxidation of methanol to produce formaldehyde

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Chemical engineeringMass production