


No mundo virtual, os usuários podem fazer uma variedade de coisas. Isso inclui a compra de novas casas, decorá-las, estilizar seu avatar, no entanto, eles acharem adequado, adotar animais de estimação, interpretar papéis, conhecer novas pessoas e socializar. O jogo é uma simulação vital, e os jogadores podem viver como acharem melhor. Para manter o jogo interessante, os desenvolvedores lançam regularmente novos "temas" no jogo. Os temas são móveis novos, roupas, animais de estimação e linhas de moradia que são liberadas em correlação entre si. Os temas podem se basear ou inspirados em várias coisas, como férias, locais da vida real, períodos e épocas, histórias e folclore, estilos de vida, movimentos artísticos, eventos atuais e gêneros de ficção.

Para ganhar dinheiro, os jogadores podem assumir empregos ou executar tarefas diárias e coletar bônus, como abrir baús de mistério gratuitos que recebem de amigos. Eles também podem participar da economia virtual do jogo comprando, vendendo e trocando bens virtuais, como móveis e roupas. Assistir a anúncios também é outra maneira de fazer yocoin gratuito dentro do jogo.

O Yoworld tem seu próprio mapa cheio de locais públicos, bem como vários jogadores de hangouts podem conhecer novas pessoas, como, mas não limitadas a, um restaurante vintage e uma boate. Os Yoworlders também podem fazer postagens e participar da discussão nos fóruns do Yoworld, onde podem dar feedback para novos temas, recursos e ativos que gostariam de ver no jogo.


On May 8, 2008, YoVille was first launched, and the game opened its doors to the world of players.In July 2008, Tall Tree Games sold YoVille to Zynga, where the game was run by VP of Product Kyle Stewart and Zynga co-founder Justin Waldron. The team grew the user base from 10,000 daily active users at the time of purchase to over 5 million daily active users less than a year later. Zynga operated the game until March 2014.In 2009, YoVille forums, the official forums of YoVille was created for players at www.yoville.com. The site replaced forums located on both Myspace and Facebook. Later on the site was brought down.In 2012, the V.I.P was released which enabled players to pay for a monthly subscription which allowed them to access exclusive items in the clothing and furniture stores with a discounted price. The cost of $17.99 allows the player either the clothing store or furniture store VIP and discount sections, 15 YoCash and 1 free hair of their choice weekly (4 weeks a month). After 3 months of paying for VIP service, the player is allowed into both stores and both discount stores, 20 YoCash and 2 hairs of their choice.The introduction of the Auction House in 2012 added another way to purchase items in game. Later in 2013 it added an option to trade using YoCash.On January 10, 2014, Zynga announced that YoVille will be closed on March 31, 2014.Greg Thomson, creator of the YoVille game from London, Ontario, Canada, was featured on CBC Ontario Morning and when interviewed, he expressed interest in buying the game back. He said to the fans that he was "cautiously optimistic" about buying the game back.On March 5, 2014, Zynga announced that they are continuing the YoVille program & It will not shutdown as previously planned.On April 24, 2014, Big Viking Games announced that discussions between both Big Viking Games and Zynga had come to a close. Big Viking Games announced on their Facebook page that they had successfully acquired and 'saved' YoVille. On May 12, YoVille was taken offline for 24 hours while data and information are transferred to Big Viking Game's servers. Due to copyrights YoVille is now formally known as YoWorld.On May 12 the game began its transformation from YoVille to YoWorld.On May 13 YoVille was re-launched as YoWorld.In 2016 the V.I.P feature was re-launched with different prices and features.Since the Re-launch of Yoworld, It has continued to thrive. With the player base that once exceeded 500,000+ daily users, fell to roughly 40,000 daily users before the purchase of the game by Big Viking Games. Since the purchase of YoWorld, The game's community has fallen to roughly 30,000 daily players.